TOPIC: LIVING A LIFE OF VICTORY TEXT: PSALM 119:1-12 INTRODUCTION God has not designed that believers should live defeated lives. The Christian life is meant to be exciting and fulfilling. It actually starts with the power of God sustained by the same power. “As many as received Him……gave He power” (Jn. 1:12). All through scriptures God’s purpose has been that His people live victoriously in a manner that the world around them will be challenged (1Pet. 2:9; Phil.1:27; 2:15, 16; 1Pet.3;1-5;Matt.5:13-16) Many have been defeated because of lack of proper understanding of God’s provision for victory (Hos.4:6; Isa. 5:13). The problem with others has been sheer neglect of God’s ordained path. All can be victorious if divine precepts are followed. There cannot be a successful Christian, without a strict adherence to scriptural principles. From our text we are considering six important ingredients for the victorious life (1) Recognition of the way...