
Showing posts with the label Evangelism


TEXT: Psalm 68:1 1; Isa. 52:7; Rom. 10:15 Believers are mandated to publish the gospel among nations. The task of carrying out the great commission and futfilling it is very great Therefore the purpose of this study is to wake us up to the importance of using tracts, letters and books in evangelizing our community and beyond.  Literature in evangelism has been in use right from the Old Testament period. God used Moses to write the Law, statutes and ordinances for the peeple of Israel (Exo. 24:12; 31:1:1 8; 32:1 5,16). Mordecai and Esther commanded letters to be written in the king's seal to the Jews to reverse the death sentence determined by Haman (Esther 8:8,9). Jeremiah wrote a letter to the Jews in Babylon to instruct, encourage and warn them (Jer. 27:1-4; 36:1-3, 23,28). The Holy Spirit inspired saints and Apostles like Paul, Peter, James, John and exhibited the use of literature in evangelism in their epistles to towns and cities to help the saints to keep to what they...


TEXT: Mark 16: 15-20; Lk. 14:28-32; Prov. 24:27. The great commission of Christ covers every person, people and place. Since the fall of man, God has been providing ways of restoring the fallen man to Himself. The only perfect way came eventually i.e Christ “the lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29). The gospel of Christ is the POWER of God unto salvation to EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH (Rom. 1:16-17). Therefore the whole gospel must be preached to the whole world. To reach the world with the gospel requires planning. Planning in the means and the method to adopt. The men God can use to carry out this great task. Bringing men to Christ is a great task: “or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? And then he will spoil his house” (Matt. 12:29). This therefore calls for a crusade a campaign against something believed to be bad (sin) and the preaching of the gospel for the salvation f...


CONSERVING THE FRUITS OF EVANGELISM  TEXT: Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-20; Acts 2:41-47.  INTRODUCTION There are two parts of the great commission which was given to the church by Our Lord Jesus Christ. The first one is to preach the gospel to every creature and make disciples of the nations, while the second is teaching the disciples that have been made all that Christ has commanded us. This we generally refer to as follow up. Without giving proper attention to this second part of the Great commission all our labour in evangelization may not produce much fruit. Consequently, there will not be much growth in the Church. Therefore, for the Church to grow as God desires, there must be proper conservation of the fruits of evangelism.  1. MEANING OF FOLLOW-UP.  Follow-up has been defined as the conservation, maturation and multiplication of the fruits of evangelism. Winning and building are inseparably linked together in Scriptures. The new convert requires ...


TOPIC: WITNESSING TO A LOST SOCIETY TEXT: Acts 17:16-33  MEMORY VERSE: Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry - Acts 1 7.16. CENTRAL TRUTH: Christians have the God ordained responsibility to declare the truth of the Gospel to an ungodly society. The truth of the Gospel is the message of life to the lost and hope to the hopeless from the living God. We are living in a society given to idolatry and other abominations and therefore needs the power of God to bring it back to life. it is only the potent power of God that can quicken men's dead consciousness. “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord", we need to persuade men by proclaiming the true God, teaching them repentance from dead works and faith in the living God. READ ALSO: The Place of Prayer in Evangelism REACHING OUT TO THE “SHUT-INS” WINNING NOMINAL CHRISTIANS FOR  CHRIST 1. DEALING WITH THE LOST SOCIETY -Acts 17:16...


TOPIC: THE PLACE OF PRAYER IN EVANGELISM   TEXT: Matt.  28: 79,20; Mk. 16: 15; Act. 1:8; 6:8; 2 Cor. 4:3-5; Isa. 66:8 Evangelism is bringing the good news of Jesus Christ as Saviour to sinners with the intention of winning them to Christ or accepting Him as the Lord of their life. The commission to all believers to preach the gospel is universal and this can only be effectively carried out in the power of prayer. Prayer and evangelism are two inseparable arms of gospel commitments.  Praying for sinners without preaching will not suffice, also preaching in the absence of prayers makes our preaching of non effect and powerless (read Ps. 2:8; Rom. 10:14). Witnessing without prayers makes it uninteresting, brings arguments, discouragement and fruitlessness. For the message of salvation to be convicting, awakening, opening sinners eyes to Christ’s sufficiency, quicken faith in the hearer and draw him to sincere and meaningful decision, it takes earnest, effective, pe...


TOPIC: REACHING OUT TO THE “SHUT-INS”  TEXT: Isa. 42:6, 7; 61:1; PS. 79:11; 69:33; Matt. 28: 18-20. Who are the “shut-ins"? Prisoners and those in the remand houses (homes). A prison is a government building where people who are convicted of any crime are locked up as a punishment for as long as the law and the judge prescribe, thereby causing limitation to their movements and rights. Let us remember that there are also remand centres for young people accused of crime.  Different Categories of people found there are:  (a). The righteous but implicated against the law e.g. Joseph - Gen. 39:20,21; 40:2-4.  (b). Those against the law of the land but obedient to God, eg. The Apostles -Acts 5: 17-20; 12:2-10; 16:19-26.  (c). Those who violated the law of the land on criminal grounds, e.g Barabbas Mark 15:6-14.  (d). Those who Violated the law of the land on civil grounds.  (e). Political prisoners who did not compromise with the governmen...


TOPIC: WINNING NOMINAL CHRISTIANS FOR CHRIST TEXT: Matthew 28:18-20. The Commission which Jesus handed over to the disciples is the proclamation of the total gospel in all the world. In application, it has no geographical limitations or tribal restrictions. In its scope it covers all cultural identifications and religious affiliations. It is for all ages in all nations and for all creatures (Mk. 16:15). In many communities today, many profess godliness and yet are “children of disobedience” (Col. 3:6). For the people, the Lord has given us a mandate and a mission. Our mission is to win these seemingly religious professors. We must give the task the needed urgency it demands for the souls of men are at stake (1 Pet. 4:7a). Our neglect could lead to their damnation and spell their eternal doom.  1. RECOGNITION OF A NOMINAL CHRISTIAN: Ps. 78:35, 36; Ezek. 33:31, 32; Mk. 7:6-9; Titus 1:16; Lk. 6:46; James 1:23.  Nominality is a problem of the heart. By definition ...


TOPIC: EFFECTIVE PERSONAL EVANGELISM   TEXT: John 4:5-15, Lk. 19:1-5; Jn 3:1-7  A man who all his adult life time gave himself to witnessing to individuals said, “Even if I were utterly selfish and had no case for anything but my fade happiness. I would choose, If i might under God to be a soul winner”. Real happiness comes to the person who witnesses to another about the Lord and sees that one pass from dead to life (Ps. 126:5,6). It is a great priviledge to see the light of the gospel come into a life to replace darkness, to see a soul free from the bondage of satan and sin and come into the liberty that is in the Lord Jesus Christ (see Isa. 53:6).  There are various ways of helping men who have gone astray to come back to God. One of such ways is personal evangelism. The aspect we are considering in the topic is how we can effectively lead a sinner to the Lord.  1. REASONS FOR SOUL WINNING a. All men without Christ are lost. No one will become a...