TOPIC: FELLOWSHIP IN THE LIGHT TEXT : I John 1:7 through 2:16. MEMORY VERSE: If we walk In the light, as He Is In the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin 1 Jn. 1:7. CENTRAL TRUTH: As we walk in the light, Christ makes possible fellowship with God and other believers. INTRODUCTION Good elementary teachers help students to learn the basics of reading, writing. and arithmetic. Without learning the basics. in person lacks the foundation needed to achieve mastery of the details of a topic. The Apostle John often referred to the recipients of his letters as ‘little children”. mostly a term of endearment but also at times. suggesting a lack of spiritual maturity. With false teachings threatening the church. John recapped the basics of the Christian faith by looking at who Jesus is, what light and darkness are. and how love for others results from faith. The basics would give believers what they needed to fa...