2 Cro. 20:1-23; Act. 12:1-17; 16:25, 26 MEMORY VERSE: ”And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where assembled together; and they where all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of word of God with boldness” (Act. 4:31) CENTRAL TRUTH: United, vocal corporate prayers offer us the opportunity of unlocking the store house of God’s infinite grace, power, and blessings upon individuals, families, nation and the church. INTRODUCTION God has placed at the disposal of the church awesome power and authority that can be made manifest through corporate praying. A praying church is a powerful church, a growing church and a sign-flowing church. And for our church experience a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, resulting in miracles (salvation, healing and deliverance, spiritual gifts) and other blessings, we should give more time to united, vocal prayers. Every member should see such moments as seasons of blessing, when they must do business with heaven. 1. ...