TOPIC: THE DYNAMIC CHURCH TEXT: Acts 4:1-31 MEMORY VERSE: When they had prayed. . . they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness Acts 4:31. CENTRAL TRUTH: As Christians pray, the Holy Spirit gives them boldness to witness for Christ. INTRODUCTION We learn from Acts 3:1 that Peter and John observed “the ninth hour” (3:00pm) as an hour of prayer in the temple. Though they had accepted Christ, early Church believers continued this practice. On this occasion it provided opportunity for a Miracle that shook the Jewish religious establishment. It also brought a crowd to hear Peter and John preach the risen Christ. When a beggar at the temple gate asked the two apostles for alms, Peter commanded him to look at them, then told him to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus. The reaction of the crowd was one of wonder and amazement. Peter immediately began preaching Jesus to them. The news quickly spread and brought the religio...