TOPIC: FAITHFULNESS TO THE TRUTH TEXT: 2Jn.:1-11; 3Jn.:1-12. MEMORY VERSE: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John :4. CENTRAL TRUTH: Christians must resist error and follow the truth. INTRODUCTION In modern times, people tend to minimize the differences between religions. suggesting that many roads lead to God and that tolerance and inclusiveness are keys to being a progressive thinker. John did not see it that way. He used words like truth. love. commandments. deceivers, and antichrists. Believers must not fall into what amounted to the New Age enlightenment thinking of the first Century. Truth is incompatible with error. Evil is incompatible with good. Gaius and Demetrius were not of the same Spirit as Diotrephes. The Challenges to the Gospel are serious, demanding somber responses like being unwilling to host people who teach false doctrines. On the other hand, great joy comes when people help each other succeed, walking by ...