TEXT: Jn. 2.17-29; 4:7-21

MEMORY VERSE: Beloved, let us love one another: for love Is of God. 1 Jn 4:7

CENTRAL TRUTH: Love for God and others is the evidence of a genuine Christian life.

The world is constantly changing, uncertain, and offers little stability. The return of Jesus Christ could come at any time. But while waiting, many people defect from Church, pulled away by desires that will pass away h eternity, yet seem so real in this world. The changes that take place are simply another way of looking at what John said was a world that passeth away (1 Jn. 2:17). in response, John saw doing God's will as a lasting alternative.
In this lesson. we will see the contrast between the way of evil and the way of love. We can either live for today or live for eternity the choice is ours. If we want to live for eternity we must live in God‘s love.

1. THE ANTITHESIS OF LOVE 1 John 2:17-19.

In the above few verses, John tries to give proof of the end times. The presence of antichrists in the world indicated to John that it was the last time. The phrases “last days" and “last time" suggest that the return of Christ is imminent. The reference to the Antichrist points to the scriptural expectation of a great enemy of God who will stand against Christ in the last days. But all who oppose Christ by following false teaching and defecting from the church can be considered antichrists. The Antichrist will surely come but the most immediate threat to local churches is antichrists who attend a local church and attempt to lead people astray through false teachings and immoral lifestyles. It must be understood that some who belong to the visible church are not part of the invisible church referring to those who have genuine faith. However, being part of the visible church is one of the defining characteristics of genuine Christians. But the visible church may also have those who are not genuinely saved. ‘
In 1 Jn. 2:20-29, John reminded his readers to abide in Christ. One of the problems in John's day was the existence of those who proposed alternate views of who Jesus was and who believed that special higher forms of knowledge were available to believers. John countered these teachings by pointing out that the “motion” (v.20 KJV) or “anointing" (NIV) Christians had received was sufficient to help them discern spiritual truth. Again the believer had already received the essential teachings of the faith (v21). As a result they did not need new revelations, instead, they needed to hold fast to the truth they already knew. While we should be open to God's work in our lives, sometimes we make ourselves vulnerable spiritually by running after new experiences and teachings. We are not to run from Church to Church and conference to conference chasing after the latest “Christian” fad. in contrast to such behaviours, John spoke of the need to remain faithful to the local church (v19). the spiritual anointing to distinguish truth from error (v20), and the truth of essential teachings about God (vs. 21-25). Many religions fail to meet the standard of John because of their views of Jesus Christ. Islam and Judaism acknowledge God but not Jesus as the son of God. Groups such as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses also devalue Jesus by viewing Him as less than God. When this occurs, John is very clear about their place they are “antichrists" (v.22).

2. THE GENESIS OF LOVE 1 Jn. 4:7-10; 1Jn. 2:17-29.

John distinguished believers from unbelievers on the basis of doctrine; while in 4:7-21 , the basis was love. When viewed together, these passages show two simple components of the Christian life: beliefs and behaviour. Right beliefs lead to right behaviour and vice versa. Love is a result of being born again (v7). God is the source of love in a believer's life. In 1 Jn. 4: 1113, John shows that God's love results in acts of kindness by His people to others. When we perform loving acts for others, the invisible God is made visible (v12). Perfect love is action oriented towards others. it is the spirit of God that compels practical demonstration of love (v13).

3. THE COMMAND TO LOVE 1 Jn. 4:14-21.

Loving gives confidence. We are reminded of the perfect unity in the Trinity in (vs. 13-16). The spirit assures us of the relationship we have with God the Father. Jesus is the one who saves us from sin and allows us to relate to the Father. The Father dwells in those who live in His love. it is clear that to truly live in the spirit is to live a life of love and concern that reaches out to others. By responding to the spirit, a committed life of love eliminates the awful dread of facing God without anything of eternal value to show Him. For those who love others, no fear of retribution from God need exist (vs. 18).
God initiated a love-relationship by reaching out to all people through His son (1 Jn.;4:19). in response, believers must be sure that their words and actions both say, “i love God". Those who merely say they love God but show hatred, whether it is by active behaviour or subtle neglect and apathy, are liars in John's view (v3.20).
Active hatred may take many forms: discrimination based on appearances, race, ethnicity, social or economic standing, or developing friendships only with people like us. Passive hatred may involve refusing to help someone in need. not speaking up for certain oppressed people in the community and ignoring injustice.
The acid test to confirm whether we really love God is how we love one another. If we cannot love those around us indeed and truth, then how can we possibly say we love God whom we have not seen? We cannot. It is a complete contradiction to do so (v3.20).


1. According to 1 Jn. 2: 1 8. how do we know it is the last times?
2. Should believers be concerned about antichrists or the Antichrist? Explain. .
3, As believers, what effect can a continuing quest for new teachings have on our lives? l. How can the invisible, unseen God be seen“ by people today?
5. How can hatred of others be active or passive?


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